E-safety plays an integral role when teaching and using ICT at ABS. We deem e-safety as limiting the risks that children and young people face when using the internet, mobile phones, i-pads, and online games etc. To ensure that this is embedded and understood by everyone, we hold e-safety parent sessions and information is given in the newsletter. It is important for parents and carers to promote and reinforce the need for their child to use technology sensibly and appropriately at home. We constantly address e-safety awareness with the pupils; this is done through assemblies, discussions, anti-bullying week and through a range of engaging and interactive computer programs. The staff are fully aware of the e-safety procedures and protocol in the school and we aim to teach ICT in an engaging and effective manner, whilst still teaching it in a safe way. For more information about e-safety for your child, please visit: http://www.childnet.
At ABS ICT is a creative subject used to engage, support and stimulate the pupils learning within other subjects of the curriculum. We believe that children come to school with ICT knowledge and skills but it is up to us to refine and build on them.
We aim to ensure that the lessons taught are cross-curricular, interactive, progressive and safe through monitoring and planning. Various learning programs such as: Education City,Espresso and Purple Mash are used to support and extend the children’s knowledge and skills across the curriculum. We also encourage the use of photography, filming and animation to enhance cross-curricular learning throughout the school. In order to support this we provide up to date, stimulating yet meaningful ICT equipment, ensure that every class is timetabled to use the computers and equipment, work hand in hand with Lambeth City Learning Centre [CLC] and provide a progressive curriculum map for each class.
Through the use of Mathletics, Lexia, ICT Symphony and DigiSmart we also continually use ICT as a daily tool to build on the pupils Literacy and Numerical skills.
ICT is encouraged at home through the use of the MLE, a learning platform used to access learning from anywhere with internet connection. Our ICT digital leaders [KS2 pupils] update the pages and look after the ICT resources in the school.
We work closely with external organisations to ensure that e-safety sessions are taught and ICT is being used appropriately.